New Volvo FH16 2012 Truck Mod v 3.0

New Volvo FH16 2012 Truck Mod v 3.0
4 Cabins
13 Chassis, 7 Original + 6 New
6×2/4 normal Chassis + different sideskirt + sidestripe + middle exhaust
6×2/4 long Chassis + different sideskirt + sidestripe + middle exhaust + cabin coll
6×4 normal Chassis + different sideskirt + sidestripe + middle exhaust
6×4 long Chassis + different sideskirt + sidestripe + middle exhaust + cabin coll
8X4 normal Chassis + sideskirt without sidestripe + middle exhaust + cabin coll
8×4 long Chassis + different sideskirt + sidestripe + middle exhaust + cabin coll
10 Engines, 9 Original + 1 New
999 HP Engine with badge
8 Transmissions
4 Interion
Over 230 Pait Job ( If you have all DLC )
Accessories + 4 different sideskirts + 1 cabin coll
V8 light for driver & co-driver + 3 different middle exhaust + cabin coll ( If you have Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack DLC )
Interion Accessories + V8 light for driver & co-driver ( If you have Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack DLC )
Truck company and dealer, in UK also
Bull bar location
Steer rear wheels location
Fog lights off/on + location
Better dashboard lights
You must have Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack DLC
V8 light for driver & co-driver work on all cabins
Accessories work only on the modify chasses above